Atelier Clockwork

Work It Harder, Make It Better

Do It Faster, Makes Us Stronger

I got my last task for the sprint landed right around the cut off time. It was sort of a bonus task, but it also addressed defects on an earlier task so I counted it as something that I needed to get done to succeed in the sprint.

I have a tendency to see a tight deadline as a challenge. I started working on Monday with a stack of requirements and a basic idea of how I wanted to make things work. I then spent most of the day fighting with obtuse behavior in UIPageViewController and UIScrollView that made it so that things almost fit together, but never quite did what I wanted.

Tuesday didn't go much better, I got closer to what I wanted, but still wasn't quite there.

Going into Wednesday, I had a promising lead that I found doing research at the end of the day on Tuesday and I hit the ground running first thing. Features ticked off the list through the day, by the end of the day I was integrating the pre-release version of the library into the project.

Thursday I got to finish up the integration, with only a few minor gotchas and tweaks needed, and then with a code snippet from my co-workers permanently fixed an annoyance with code signing, Cocoapods, and our build server.

Having a real challenge and hitting my goal feels is a more exciting win for me than if I'd had an easier sprint and just breezed right by the goal.