Atelier Clockwork


WWDC Plans

I have interesting ideas about how to spend my free time

My personal ritual every WWDC is to try to watch as many session videos as I can, with a focus on having a general list of interesting things to do more research into later. This approach has been a lot easier in the online-first WWDC format, because there have been more videos, but they're shorter and more focused, which makes it easier to focus on the things I'm most interested in.

This year I decided it's time to try to improve my miniature painting skills again and picked up entry level airbrushing gear, so I'll be attempting to paint a few kits while taking in WWDC sessions.

Drinking from the firehose

Since I'm trying to be as broad as possible, my strategy is to favorite all of the session videos from WWDC, and then attack them with a bit of a strategy:



Fresh Boot

A long time coming

So after far too long, I've managed to rebuild my blog in a format I'm at least sort of happy with, and am ready to start posting again.
